children and family go together
When children become separated from their own family, the solution is family. Let's Solve ThisPartner With Uswhen children lose their first family, the answer is family
Children experience significant loss when they become separated from their original family. In that tender moment, the best place for children is family – children learn family by being in one.
Above all else, children need intimate connections with caring adults, and the held environment of a home.
If we listen, we hear children asking us “When will you find a family for me?” Local families and churches have an amazing opportunity to be the solution for children longing to be welcomed home.
designing care solutions for vulnerable children
Let Casa Viva Solutions help you transform the children’s project you love. Children need deep and wide solutions – we’ll help you get there.

children thrive in strong, vibrant families
Children need small, secure and specific solutions.
Small solutions focused on adult-led attachment.
Secure solutions held by an established home environment.
Specific solutions designed for each child’s particular story.
Can you imagine growing up without a family?
Neither can we.
Your financial partnership allows more children to be cared for in families in Costa Rica and at projects we support around the world.
Thank you for partnering with us.
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