In 2005, we started with one family from one church. We asked the local family to care for one child in their home and that single act set in motion a movement in the country of Costa Rica – countless stories of miracles, transformation and healing while also navigating the harsh realities of broken families and hurting children.
At Casa Viva, we learn by doing, by intentionally seeding and promoting vibrant life for children. When we share our work with others, we do so not from theory, but from experience. Casa Viva Costa Rica is our home base.

children and youth cared for in families
partner churches
active foster families
projected nights of care this year

We start with a local church that recruits and supports families and volunteers.

We partner with the the local government to identify children in need of care, and to pursue their best long-term alternatives.

Local families are trained and supported by Casa Viva’s professional staff to open their homes and hearts to children.

We connect children with local families who are focused on attachment, a stable home environment, and the particular needs of each child.
Casa Viva Solutions
Casa Viva helps create personalized sustainability plans for children’s projects in Latin America and beyond, including onsite evaluations, staff trainings, consultations and more.
Casa Viva Seminars
From team trainings to leadership planning, Casa Viva gives you the tools you need to care for children well. Come visit our premier site in Costa Rica, or invite us to train at your site.
Casa Viva Greenhouse
The Casa Viva Greenhouse is where we do our research, our listening, our thinking, and our writing. Caring for children separated from their families is a delicate and dauting work.
Coming soon.
Casa Viva believes we need solutions
deep and wide enough to last generations.
We have learned that the solution for children already exists. It was planted in the land long ago. If local families, churches and communities are called forth, the care landscape will be impacted for years to come. The truth is, we need children. They bring the world life and wonder, they ask questions and surprise us with joy. The time is now to gather the children and bring them back home.